Timesheet Attendance Management System WordPress Plugin
Timesheet Attendance Management System Wordress Plugin
Video with installation and working process: https://youtu.be/imdkZGLGOMw
This is a timesheet attendance management system wordpress plugin for use any kind of organization or any office.
By using this plugin anyone can measure an organization’s or office’s employee’s working activity or timesheet.There is a feature for punch in and punch out.While a user punch in,time tracking will start and while punch out time tracking will stop.After that admin can see which users worked how many hours.Basically it’s an system to take attendance and inform the working timesheet to admin.
User Guide : www.kingpabel.com/timesheet-attendance-management-system-wordpress-plugin/documentation/
Timesheet Attendance Management System PHP(Laravel) Application
Click here : http://www.kingpabel.com/timesheet-attendance-management-system-blog/
Steps are

This plugin contains 2 short code
1. atn-punch-button Shortcode for generate punch in/out button.
2. atn-punch-button time-tracker=on Shortcode to generate punch in/out button with time tracker
User Area
Punch In : User will punch in while they start their work.After punch in their time tracking will start.
Punch Out : User will punch out while they stop their work and also time tracking will stop.
Admin Area
Activity Report : Admin will get working activity report in wp-admin panel.Username,in time,out time are fields in report.
Search/Filter/Ordering : Admin can search an specific user from report,filter the report depend on username or/with date range,order the report by ascending or descending.
User Guide : www.kingpabel.com/timesheet-attendance-management-system-wordpress-plugin/documentation/