Timesheet attendance management system wordpress plugin

Timesheet Attendance Management System WordPress Plugin

Timesheet Attendance Management System Wordress Plugin Video with installation and working process: https://youtu.be/imdkZGLGOMw This is a timesheet attendance management system wordpress plugin for use any kind of organization or any office. By using this plugin anyone can measure an organization’s or office’s employee’s working activity or timesheet.There is a feature for punch in and punch 

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WP Comment Spam Blocker

WP Comment Spam Blocker Plugin

Documentation : http://kingpabel.com/documentation-comment-spam/ WP comment spam blocker is very easy to use,there has nothing to customize.To install this plugin first login in wp-admin in your wordpress project.Then go to Plugin->add new and then upload this plugin.After complete uploading just active this plugin. Your work is done.From now no one can’t do any comment spamming in 

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appointment scheduling software

Appointment Scheduling Software

Online Appointment Scheduling Software Documentation URL: http://www.kingpabel.com/documentation-scheduler Demo URL: http://www.scheduler.kingpabel.com/ Username : kingpabel@kingpabel.com Password : 123456 Feature 1.Got a first look summery report in landing page 2.Create event in calendar mode and table mode 3. Create multiple reminder for every event.By using reminder an automatically email will send in that reminder date 4.Update your event 

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attendance management system

Timesheet Attendance Management System

Timesheet Attendance Management System Version 4.3 Released Demo Url : http://www.kingpabel.com/attendance/ Documentation : http://kingpabel.com/documentation/ Demo Login: 1.ADMIN LOGIN (id:admin pass:123456)                      2.EMPLOYER LOGIN (id:pabel pass:123456) An complete attendance management system application with timesheet mostly work with attendance,leave,holiday,restrict employee with ip address feature.It can be use any kind of office,organization and many others on.More about 1000+ employees 

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