Propel save bulk data as array

Propel is an very useful open source ORM.There is lots of feature in propel orm.To know more details about propel go to office website.In propel we can save data as set method after creating object.But if we have an array and if we want to save it without set method,how can we save this.Lets see 

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Include phmyadmin in apache

When we install apache on a machine using “sudo apt-get install apache2” we need to include phpmyadmin on apache.Suppose you access localhost using http://localhost,now you wanna get phpmyadin using http://localhost/phpmyadmin.For that you need to include phpmyadmin on apache configuration file.Below here i there is some tiny instruction.If you run those instruction then you get phpmyadmin 

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Memcache install

Memcache a distributed memory object caching system.It is very useful caching system which can be use different types of programming language like php,python.Memcached is free and open-source software, licensed under the Revised BSD license.Memcached runs on Unix-like operating systems (at least Linux and OS X) and on Microsoft Windows. It depends on the libevent library.In 

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PHP array_filter

In PHP sometimes we need to search an array from multidimensional array using a value.Here i want to show the uses of array_filter with call back for solve that types of problem.Suppose we have an multidimensional array like below $products = array ( 1 => array( ‘id’ => 125, ‘name’ => ‘The Breville One-Touch Tea 

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xdebug recursion limit

xdebug is Debugger and Profiler Tool for PHP.Xdebug replaces PHP’s var_dump() function for displaying variables.It is an formatted displaying variables by which a developer can understand variables and arrays more clearly.By default xdebug has an limit,after this limit it shows …… Here i give an example how it looks array ‘one’ => string ‘a somewhat 

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PHP xml to array

PHP xml to array

XML means Extensible Markup Language.In php programming sometimes we see some kinds of xml code.Mostly it sees on different types of api response.Most of the time we need make that type of xml to php array.Here i gave you a example of xml code and make the xml code to php array. Parse xml to 

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kingpabel blog csv to php

Csv PHP (Csv to php)

Csv means comma separated value.Suppose we have a csv format file,we need to import that csv file in php format.It is needed for maximum project.In this article we learn how to import a csv format file to php array.For know about array follow this.For that at first create a html form to upload a csv 

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