PHP7 Return type declarations

PHP7 Improved performance up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 ,Consistent 64-bit support,Combined comparison Operator (),scalar type declarations any many others new features.Return type declaration a great features what i think.You can specify a return type for a function.You can define both scalar type and return type declaration in a same function.Let see an 

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PHP7 Scalar type declarations

PHP7 Improved performance up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 ,Consistent 64-bit support,Combined comparison Operator (),scalar type declarations any many others new features.Here we know how to use scalar type declaration in PHP7.There are two flavor for scalar type declaration such as coercive (default) and strict. strings integers floating-point booleans Those four types of 

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PHP7 Spaceship Operator

PHP7 Improved performance up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6 ,Consistent 64-bit support,Combined comparison Operator () any many others new features.In here we know how to use php7 spaceship operator().Let see how to use it. PHP7 Spaceship Operator() This operator will offer combined comparison in that it will : Return 0 if values on 

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appointment scheduling software

Appointment Scheduling Software

Online Appointment Scheduling Software Documentation URL: Demo URL: Username : Password : 123456 Feature 1.Got a first look summery report in landing page 2.Create event in calendar mode and table mode 3. Create multiple reminder for every event.By using reminder an automatically email will send in that reminder date 4.Update your event 

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attendance management system

Timesheet Attendance Management System

Timesheet Attendance Management System Version 4.3 Released Demo Url : Documentation : Demo Login: 1.ADMIN LOGIN (id:admin pass:123456)                      2.EMPLOYER LOGIN (id:pabel pass:123456) An complete attendance management system application with timesheet mostly work with attendance,leave,holiday,restrict employee with ip address feature.It can be use any kind of office,organization and many others on.More about 1000+ employees 

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PHP showing as text apache

After install php and apache in a machine,sometimes we see that php shows as plain text in web browser.Suppose we echo as text like “echo ‘hello world’;”.When we access this file on web browser we see that it’s not print hello world,it shows the full line as a plain text.It happens for a php module 

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install mcrypt

mcrypt is an php extension.If you want to run the most popular and latest framework laravel version 5.0,you need to install and enable it in your machine.In this blog i wrote the step how to install mcrypt and enable it in a linux machine.Just run some commands on your terminal and it will install and 

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Propel save bulk data as array

Propel is an very useful open source ORM.There is lots of feature in propel orm.To know more details about propel go to office website.In propel we can save data as set method after creating object.But if we have an array and if we want to save it without set method,how can we save this.Lets see 

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